
How To Change Course? Is It Possible?

Hey yalls. Assalammualaikum.

I just wanna singgah sini sekejap and write something. I've an announcement. Yeap for those who follow my Instagram account, you'd know that a month ago I uploaded on igstory saying that I got Corporate Admin aite. But that was my second choice. First? Of course MassComm dihatiku.

and the announcement is.... SAY HELLO TO FUTURE JOURNALIST IN TOWN!

So long story short, last sem, masa part 5 diploma I mean, I took MUET masa sesi yang ketiga. If thats the jargon. Kan orang kata boleh kan apply penerapan kalau takda result MUET, asal kan dah ambik. So that's what I thought la. Sekali, tak dapat panggilan temuduga. At first. Agak kecewa.

Then, sekali few days after my friends went to the interview, lecturer WhatsApp class rep kot, cakap siapa nak penerapan but tak dapat panggilan temuduga, WhatsApp nama and no student. YAY! Ada harapan. Katanya kalau ikut sistem baru, tak ramai. So diorang bukak? Something liddat.

But it was a last minute thing la. Since macam dia cakap hari Khamis kot. Interview Sabtu. I was eager. As usual. So sent la. Last minute preparation is nevah a good idea.

Lepastu, I've this one habit. Kalau nervous sangat, tak boleh tidur. So, as expected, I woke up late :))))))) Bila dah bangun lambat, semua jadi tak kena la kan. Nearly gave up on the interview. Glad talked to ibu and some of friends. Actually interview tu held from 8am-5pm. Tapi dah gelabah kan so patah semangat sekejap. Sekejap je. Aku terfikir dalam kereta, macam bodo je taknak pergi interview sebab takut kena marah datang lambat.

Then sat for the interview. Weird thing is, interview degree was easier than diploma. Hahah. Lecturer dah taknak buli students kot. Because masa iv diploma, dia tanya la soalan like "Who's the Prime Minister of Australia?" "Nama cucu Sultan Selangor?", tapi bukan aku la yang kena soalan tu. My friends kena. Hehe. I'm always lucky. Hehe.

Untuk interview degree I sense higher degree of maturity la. Like lecturer lebih focus on your understanding about major you picked. and talk with you about your future. Eh actually kan, it depends on your panel. Like mine, alhamdulillah, both iv masa diploma and degree dua dua baik.

Then masa hari keluar result degree tu, nak keluar jantung aku dapat Corporate Admin. Ok sebenarnya kan that was one of the initial goal la. At first. But then no more. At first I was kind....of happy. Sebab aku terbayang nanti jadi pegawai hubungan diplomat ke, kerja embassy ke. So yknow aku berangan nanti aku kaya. Hehehe.

Image result for rich woman shopping

Tapi lepas masuk study, meh. Ala tahu jela, kalau suka satu benda tu tak ikhlas. Whats gonna happen. None of em berangan can make me stronger at that time. Aku tengok igstory member member aku, aku asyik nangis sebab i was like "If only i make changes pretty quickly tanpa berangan duit"

Dia macam mana eh. Im not that smart, but if I push myself, i THINK i can score. Highlight: Think. Tapi takda hati duh. Sumpah. I asked my friend kalau boleh nak tengok syllabus Journalism. Masa aku tengok tu, *pap*, I (think I) cried (as in bergenang air mata. Bukan nangis yang sobbing tu) sebab I know that was my passion.

So I gave it a chance. Seminggu. Kalau tak ngam jugak, that's that. Takkan nak tunggu satu sem baru nak tukar. Idk man. Im not good at waiting. And aku jenis tak reti go with the flow. I make my own flow. (Ini applicable kat benda benda berfaedah aku buat je. Pasal terbabas tidur apa semua, tu bukan "go with the flow", tu semua sampah. I'm still working on that) ]

Lepastu aku tanya tanya jugak kawan kawan yang tukar tak dapat masscomm. Rupanya alasan dia dokumen tak lengkap. In my case; sijil lahir ayah. Memang salah aku la.

I did asking people for their opinions. Pasal this """"cinta paksa rela"""" ni. And rata-rata, even one doctor that I follow him on ig and twitter cakap if i keep thinking bout money im not gonna make it because even doktor pakar tak cukup cukup duit.

Lepastu aku nekad tukar course. Aku ingat kena quit then apply for the next sem. So I told my dad I wanted to quit. It was a mistake. Then he called me and calmed me down. Cakap, okay la. But what if I quit on CA then tak dapat pun Journalism. Betul jugak. That's why aku lambat tukar. Sebab aku nak make sure aku tak buat keputusan ni just because.... homesick. That's another story.

Tapi lepas google, and sebenarnya one of my classmates in CA sendiri pun ada tukar course. First thing first, I called my pa masa diploma. He said it was possible. I asked ada deadline ke. He said takda deadline but kena buat asap sebab masa tu 2nd week dah. It was Monday. So i asked my classmate yang dah tukar. Rupanya it is possible sebab ramai kata tak boleh. Orang atasan tak layan.



1) Buat surat rasmi. Sell yourself here. Cakap pointer, muet, kenapa nak tukar. Straight to the point.

2) Hantar kepada kpp fakulti yang you tengah study. Or any orang atasan yang you tengah study. Because nanti next procedure nya, fakulti sendiri yang akan uruskan.

3) Wait. Min: 4 days. Max: 2 weeks. Mine? 2 weeks. Berbaloi tak balik balik Seremban asdjfgn aku dah cakap aku risk taker. Duration depends sebab fakulti akan hantar surat kau ke Timbalan Naib Canselor Akademik dan Antarabangsa (TNCAA), then if they approve, TNCAA akan hantar surat ke fakulti yang you nak, then if fac yang you nak approve, the letter akan balik ke pangkuan TNCAA and they will call you.

4) Kalau dah dapat, pergi ambik surat tawaran baru di pejabat Pengambilan Pelajar (Ijazah, tingkat 1)

5) Settle kan documents and daftar di fakulti baru anda.

6) Mulakan hidup baru di fakulti baru dengan pemandangan dan suasana yang baru.

Common mistake:

1) Konon tera, buat surat terus hantar ke TNCAA. Why is it a faulty? Prolly because youre nobody, sedar sikit!!!!! So bila kau pergi situ, staffs memang blacklist kau. I mean, kalau you hantar dekat fakulti, the procedure is like legit tau. Kiranya your fac approve your action. So jangan ingat tera terus naik office.


And know im so happy. Masa first class masuk Advanced Reporting. Aku happy gila dengar cerita cerita dia. Tak berkelip mata dia. Moral of the story; do something ikhlas. Not ikhla$.

HEY SHOUT OUT UNTUK SEMUA YANG LAYAN AKU AT THAT TIME I WAS A MESS I KNOW. I did WhatsApp-ed even my lecturers and orang i dont even talk irl. Hahah. Thanks. You guys lifted up my spirit.


Sebenarnya aku buat blog post ni sebab ramai orang terasa aku tak story kat diorang pasal aku tukar course. Hahah. You guys are cutiessssssss is2g hahaha

Honestly risau that my future in journalism pun nanti tak jadi as expected. But that's life. There's no guarantee. So bersedia atau tidak bolos saja dinding itu!!!!!!!

Btw, so happy to be back in the track. Can finally breathe in peace.

Alrite, stay motivated!


  1. Hahahaha suka baca blog you. Terasa sampai ke sini emotions yang you luahkan hahaha

    1. Aw thank you hun ❤️ And... Hahaha omg i just realized i banyak gila typo 😂
