Politics in general
Do you consider yourself as someone who is prone to politics? It is understandable if you are not, but I believe it would be beneficial if you start weighing in, in political issues now. Not just when it's near election, or when you're trying to make nice conversations with your future in laws. I believe everyone should at least know what's currently going on in politics.
Speaking of politics, of course our minds will directly interpret to who's ruling, who's exercising rules and who's the opposite of the political party that's governing. Well, if you look up the literal definition it goes;
Politics is the set of activities that are associated with making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations between individuals, such as the distribution of resources or status
Literal definition is so boring... like where's the flavour?! So I asked my friends what politics mean to them;
"It's like a public toilet, the Malaysian ones are always the dirtiest" - AHR
Supposedly formed to improve citizens' lives in a unified ruling but leaders take advantage of it" - NI
A famous scholar; Heidi Klum, once said one day you're in the next day you're out" - MR
Well said to describe of what's happening in here.
Election stats
According to The Star, as for GE-14, out of 32.45mil Malaysians 19.94mil participated in voting. As we can see from registered voters statistics, it increases annually without fail. It is something to be proud of, however since population of Malaysia also increases yearly we can just say it's simple math; More people? More votes.
Quite frustrated sebab some celebrities didn't use their privilege to advocate people to vote, and some siap post gambar diorang kat overseas (iykyk).
I was just googling around about election statistics and I found this study by R.Hirschmann titled 'Intention of voting in the next general election in Malaysia 2020-2021' and the survey asked participants "If Parliament is dissolved and a general election is called, are you going to vote?" and the graph shows a decline pattern. I personally rasa sebab orang dah hilang rasa keyakinan in voting. Dia dah macam "what's point of all this? Nanti yang ada power makin abuse power, yang miskin makin ditindas"
Nyways I can't download the research paper nor ss the bar graph bcs I don't wanna pay the website, and I couldn't find the researcher herself. Tak banyak research papers related to this topic. Sorry tsk tsk
I read this tweet long time ago that researchers actually tak profit pun from publishing research papers kat websites and they're more willing to give people for free. I taknak menyumbang dekat capitalism, unless it's... cute... clothes... jk.
I would like to use this opportunity to remind my peers to register voting ya! Hope when it's election time, statistics of people who participate in voting will increase, we elect dedicated politicians and things will get better.
Why does it matter
Politik memang penting dalam hidup. Ini no brainer but in case you still can't understand why, it's simply because politics ni associated with almost everything in life. Anything planned and decided by government will affect many lives. Bayangkan harga barang dapur macam sayur pun boleh naik turun sebab politik, belum sebut minyak and nilai mata wang lagi.
There's no perfect political parties, yang ada hanyalah lesser of two evils. Mana-mana pihak pun mesti ada pros and cons. Hence why kita tak boleh taksub with whichever party pun. Diorang buat benda bagus? Applause. Diorang buat kerja tak bagus? Criticize. Not because you're ungrateful not because you're bitter, because it's your job as citizen. Faham tak politicians' literal jobs are fighting FOR rakyat and not WITH rakyat?
Politics pun boleh tunjuk dah haluan negara ni macam macam. Kita tengok government, kita tengok pembangkang. Kalau masing masing focus dekat kesejahteraan ramai and future plans untuk negara inshaAllah la elok masa depan. Cuba tengok video parlimen New Zealand, pasal isu 'Karen' pun diorang bahas with professionalism. Takda name calling takda degrading.
I couldn't stress how chaotic our political dramas I swear. Kadang-kadang tu I need a good laugh on Twitter tapi bukak-bukak je terus marah sebab banyak sangat benda nak dimarahkan. So I switch to TikTok tapi bila bukak-bukak keluar ni zzzzz
Remember "Cekik saya abah" era? Cancelled. Tak pernah wujud.
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