
tips - Cleaner and Clearer Face But Still Maintaining The Tanned Skin

what a long title i have there!

Hey Assalammualaikum everyone!

Honestly, I dont think Im qualified to write some tips on skincare cos I still have humongous pores, evil whiteheads, and blablabla. But I just noticed that my skin has improved and mana tahu I can help here and here. Hehe.

Btw guys before I start, I cant help myself but to notice recently there's an argument about Malaysia's beauty standard. Ofcourse, putih nak mampos, pipi pink, blusher sampai hidung. Ala-ala Korea gitu. Look cute and innocent

No hate here, but girls, you dont need to change yourself just because it's phenomenal right now. I mean, the word "phenomenal" tu pun dah describe the whole thing; extraordinary but ada limited time (my own very understanding). Kata la you berhempas pulas habis kan Rm2000 (i know girls who spend more than that just to reach the beauty standard!) lepas tu you dapat, okay, you're pretty now, then what? You buat healthily or you telan 5 supplements a day? The consequences?

Tipu la kata perempuan kulit putih tu tak cantik, but not for everyone in my humble opinion.

And also, I get why sekarang ni RAMAI GILA perempuan nak jadi like thos typical hijabster. I mean I was once there too! Been there done that. Prolly they wanted to be so fair sebab family and friends suka make fun of them   :( I came across reading this tweet then at first I was like "tah pape typical" (i know. Ironic kan. haha), but then I read la her thread. Wow, rupanya her family dari kecik dah ejek dia. Mana la dia tak stressed. Maybe she just wanted to be accepted. Since manusia ni kalau fizikal kita elok barulah nak layan kita elok la, suddenly  BFF la, suddenly guys who made fun of her tiba tiba terkejar kejar, suddenly ah semua lah. Pretty girls get better treatment, right? ;)

this part i was like "bij get your facts rite. Dark skinned gals are not ugly"

this part bila baca dia kata kena ejek "adik hitam" tu macam, la yeke... Hm okay kensel judging


Guys, tho it seems funny to call people names, pls stop. You never know when is your time. Be kind to everyone. Gurau kasar no problem, but pls jangan sentuh pasal diorang punya insecurities. Like you know your friend rasa hidung dia fugly, gurau bout everything but his hidung. Or this girl pendek, yea it's cute to see girls pendek marah, but pls jangan off limit. Kang dari secomel Brat dalam Powerpuff Girls terus jadi Hantu Kak Limah. Boleh jadi  sebenarnya s/he's cool je dengan his/her kekurangan but kita yang buat dia benci kekurangan dia. Pesanan to myself jugak :)

Ps: Im sorry if I've ever made fun of your insecurities too. Aku ni mulut puaka so aku selalu cam gurau kasar then dah cakap baru cam "wth..." :(


Alrite without berleter lagi, mari proceed! No worries. aku takkan cakap "Drink water like lotsofff water" cos theyre plain annoying.

ok i planned to put my old pics with old skin condition but I only have 1 and it's like a regular stupid selfie in house, so just contact me anywhere if you wanna look at my old skin. Haha. And my pics on Instagram are all beautiful, so annoying.. Camna eh nak jadi hodoh :( okbye

My biggest concern from time to time is parut and large pores. and now my skin dah improve sikit.

good lighting does the magic.

I still have large pores, but parut dah kurang alhamdulillah


1) Shake dat ass - Workout

Idk but I think workout is the best medicine for many kinds of problem. The glow after workout is surreal gais. As some may know, I was a swimmer for 8 years. Dulu fit, athletic lepastu jadi la nangka terperam kat rumah sampai overweight. Then now alhamdulillah dah ada kesedaran, my main workout is Zumba and I would loveeeee to join boxing class nanti! If you're lazy to go out, buat je workout kat YouTube. I'd suggest dis wan. Masa puasa I did this workout je and managed to lose 6kg. So yeap, sometimes benda free memang bagus.

2) Pencuci muka - Neutrogena

Google kata Rm18.80

Sebenarnya ada habit tak suka cuci muka, hanyak cuci bila ada mood sometimes everyday in a week sometimes sekali sebulan, and tukar products sebulan sekali sebab bosan. Huehue. But this face wash mmg rasa macam dia cleanse reaaaaal deep. After you've washed your face, lembut je muka. Idk if it's just me but most of pencuci muka buat muka aku kesat liddat.

3)Scrub - St Ives Green Tea Scrub, Freeman Mask Charcoal

Dulu tak basuh muka cos aku suka scrub my face. Sebab bila scrub rasa macam lepas geram sikit la kat kulit. But after I read somewhere, dia kata banyak sangat scrub pun tak elok cos takut our scrub can irritate your face. And yeah, if you're a fan of St Ives Fresh Skin Appricot Scrub maybe you can change to St Ives Green Tea Scrub, sebab dia lagi halus. Tho it seems like scrub yang garam dia besar lagi best, but the shape and texture lagi boleh irritatekan your skin.

I use two scrubs:
Google kata Rm19.90 but I think I bought it at Rm18 something at Aeon Big's pharmacy

Yang ni kalau termakan, buat lek sebab rasa dia manis habdaibdiaubfia. 
Google kata Rm25, but I think I bought it at Rm22 at Guardian.

4) Moisturizer- Bio-Essence Hydra Tri-Action Aqua Moisturizing Gel

Mengikut kepercayaan kuno aku, kulit berminyak tak perlukan mosturizer cos it makes my face lagi oily. Rupanya masa aku gi Sephora saja usha skincare, the akak told me that everyone kena moisturize apa suhu atau jenis kulit pun. The difference is that lain kulit, lain base dia. Untuk oily, it's recommended to use gel-based moisturizer. So akak tu pun suggest Clinique, but as expected aku beli drugstore punya:


I think it's safe to say that this is the best moisturizer for me. Cos moisturizer ni cepat meresap, and once dia meresap dalam kulit, kulit kau tetiba rasa dingin jap. And after that, hello selfie!!


5) Night cream - Palmer's Night Renewal Cream

So I bought this product sebab I was attracted dengan perkataan "even". I've had some serious uneven skin tone guys. Do you know that one black line orang gemok selalu ada? Yea muka aku teruk sampai ada benda tu. Aduh, aku google benda tu takda pulak. Ala dia straight dark line dari bawah mata, sampai tepi hidung/bibir. Selalu orang gemuk and gelap ada. Nanti i'll update if I still have a pic of mine with the dark line thingy!

Btw, this cream memang bagus and wangi make you obsessed nak bau kulit kau sendiri. Haha. Took me a day to notice the difference, and it took me a week to notice my skin was remarkable :p


Stay motivated!

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