
Not A New-Year-New-Me Blog Post

Hi everyone.

Image result for not a new year new me

Is blogging still a relevant thing? I can never answer that as I can be irrelevant too. lmao

Some, laughed when I say I still write on this platform, some would ask "How many followers do you have?" Whuttt, do you think it's 2009 where people be competing about followers?

ok I have only 2. HAHAHA

But in my defense, my monthly views  are quite high. Last July, it got 934 visitors. That's quite a number for a girl like me. <- dont ask why I typed like a girl with low self-esteem & has ice cream tub with her. Im just outta words. Also. This is a sign I should read books that'll make me smarter.

Here's a recap of my 2018. It'll be just like the last day of 2018 on Instagram where everyone posted lottttssssaaaa pictures on their Story, except mine is you cant tap to skip. Mine is just... you just ignore this blog's existence in the first place. LOL

2018 really humbled me. I still remember  on the last day of 2017, I'm pretty sure I verbally said that one phrase every optimists would say

"2018 is going to be my year"

It was not. Hahahaha

It was... unique in such way. It made me the happiest, yet saddest.

I had many plans and resolution for 2018, but all of it would lead to a subtle line; making my 21 liveliest as ever.

OOOOH. NOW I UNDERSTOOD. No wonder people say "be careful of what you wish for cos you might get it." I definitely got what I wished.

I lived... af.

On the bright side, I won 2 contests! Cosmopolitan Magazine, and Nights of Fright. Damn. I hardly  win lucky draw.

I also went to classes I've always wanted to join. Highlight: art class. You guys have no idea how much I wanted to join art class. It was soooo good. Also, I went to Aqua zumba, sewing class, etc. (forgotten lmao)

But on the not so bright side... I, for the first time, cried in my class when I was consulting with my lecturer. I dont even have emotions. and for me to cry????? In class???????? with everyone watching me?????????????????? I could say that that was embarrassing as hell.

I mean, I have other sadder things that I could name, like actual SAD sad. But crying in front of people? Unacceptable.

Nyways, moving on, as much as inadequate things happened, hey I'm not gonna lose hope. Nor making resolutions.

 Some hippies-wannabe would say resolutions are pointless because we should live spontaneously, go clean islands, make avocado juice, eat green!!! While pessimist would say resolutions are pointless because you never accomplish it anyway.

I know I'm not the most organized person but I loooveeee making plans. Because by making it, I know what's next. I know where my life is going. Even if it's imperfect.

Here's to one of my long-life plan that I've accomplished!

Still your resting-bitch-face gal

I graduated Mass Comm (Dip). And if you read my older post, the 5th thing is actually about my studies, specifically about my Degree. I was at Starbucks, The Curve, with my Ayah when I realized I wanted (still want) to be a journalist. He was probably bored lepak with me. I mainly went there to download movies. I didn't subscribe Netflix back then.

When I shared about my """breaking news""" last 2 years in my high-pitch voice, he bluntly replied "Ayah dah tahu lama dah," 

Either he saw right through me or he was REALLY bored.

Back to the point, hey, here I am, studying Journalism! Just like I planned. My new mantra is "This is what you planned"

So every time I'm like on the verge of giving up, I'd chant 

  This is what you planned, this is what you planned, this is what you planned,
  This is what you planned, this is what you planned, this is what you planned,
                     This is what you planned, this is what you planned, this is what you planned,
                     This is what you planned, this is what you planned, this is what you planned

So, will 2019 be my year? I dont know. But I'm thrilled!

Stay motivated, weirdos.

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