
Now This Is Lendu

Hey Assalammualaikum everyone. Hope you guys are still living as normal people out there :p

because i love haka :P

So. I know UiTM Alor Gajah aka Lendu always get bad perceptions from many pakciks and makciks. Yeah you know, for zaman berzaman. Yes theres one event that are (aku rasa still going on lel) on viral. Tapi, just to make it clear. I have no idea why event yang mempamerkan negative side of us yang SATU. KECIK. KUMAN tu, lagi dapat jutaan perhatian compared to our RATUSAN. LAMBAKKAN. LEDAKKAN event yang mempamerkan positive side of us. Hahah, So it's true la kan theory manusia ni kalau kita buat baik seribu kali, dia tak ingat. But once buat jahat. Hah tulah yang akan diungkit hingga ke akhir zaman.

I think some of you might ask me why generalize this post as Lendu people, instead of masscomm students. But hey, sampai bila nak hidup berkelompok ni. Marilah kita lebih merapatkan ukhwah ya temen temen. Lagipun, all of us are like a family kan...? *kuis jari*

Nyway, the fire has fade slowly. So lets decrease this hatred vibe and share positive vibe. lel

So, lets talk of how thankful I am to be in Lendu. Gah. You wouldnt believe what we went thru this week. Firstly, our batch event; Decade16. Which everyone got involved. It's actually a photo competition. So, me and Miza (we're teammates) made it to the Top 10 in the event! Alhamdulillah.

Senang cerita, ada banyak event, packed in two days (23rd feb and 24th) I actually  did not pay attention much to the organizers (which batch yang handle) but i think most of them are from part 6 students. The event on the first day was Viral (forgot the meaning, tapi voice of.. anonymously) Hell yeah. Theyre one, well-trained, and patut disegani punya type of people. Why? Let me share one by one.

Firstly, teka siapa datang. Huhu. It was *drum rolls* Qayyum, from Englishjer. He gave a talk about where did the idea come and so on.

sebab nak ambik from on stage camera iols tak cukup panjang huhu

Trust me. I was so excited even a day before!! Because ada satu event ni pun actually ada dia and Arlina Banana. But couldnt attend as I had class masa tu.

What I can say about him is that he is  a man full of enthusiasms. Sangat hyper. Lel. My friends were like "Asal dia duduk atas kerusi tu goncang goncang, babe?" Trust me. I had no idea either. Not many of my friends know him before. So I said la lalalala thingy about him. But know this. My expectation on him vs him in reality is quite different. BUT, trust me Im not saying that the difference is bad. I thought he's one matured man yang akan bagi talk and akan cairkan all girls with his voice. But... not really. He's more to a guy yang kita nak jadikan adik angkat sebab comel sangat. Hahaha. 

Some of his words yang i loved was when the panel, Miss Efina (omg miss youre so lucky T_T) asked a question that kinda went on like this (tak tepat tau) (kang jatuh hukum fitnah)

"How do you feel about people who use broken English"

"I dont care man! I dont care of how broken your English is, just talk to me in English!"

Made me think of how dick those grammar-nazis are. Come on, whats the relevance of teaching people by humiliating them? I once had this gila babeng punya crush on this one guy which graduated overseas. Tapi sangat turn off when he classified mat mat motor yang bawak motor bising as "ulat sampah masyarakat". I undertand that's you opinion. But keep it to yourself.

I saw he tweeted once, the problem with some of Malaysians with talking in English is not because they dont know how to speak, it's actually the empowerment. They dont wanna speak in English cos theyre shy or scared or something. Yes sir, i agree with you. Sebab aku pun malu juga kadang kadang. Hihihi.

I pun nak juga lah. I dont care man of how do I look when standing next to you!
I just wanna upload this on my blog.

Next next. I thought the hype would end that evening. Tapi disusuli pula dengan kedatangan our igfemes, Faizdickie. So humble. Yet his academic achievement is so high.

Boleh nampak la dia actually a shy guy bila dalam kelompok yang dia jarang berada (Halamak tatabahasa A+). Haha. I was quite surprised to listen to his voice. Maybe sebab dia banyak sangat jadi watak Mak Leha la apa Bunting la, but mostly mainkan watak perempuan, aku jadi immune and i really thought his voice is that small. Tapi tak. Normal je. Lel. hahaha. 

He inspired most of the masscomm students to go beyond than the stereotypes. Well his talk was balanced between social media, and his life as a masscom student. He was like lantaklah apa orang nak kata, masscom is an easy course la apa lah. Nak present kat depan orang, ingat senang ke? But in masscom, we're taught to be brave, if not, just fake it till you make it :p Hey seriously, talking in a crowd is actually require lots of skills and it is an art. heh

Battery kong king kong so this is the most decent pic ive

Then, on the next day. For SeriousTalk event, guess who was the first speakerrrrrrrrr everibadeyyyyyyyy. It was *drum rolls*, Arlina Banana. 

I dont know why but I really wish that Arlina and Qayyum would date and marry and live happy ever after :p Arlina is such aa sweet person. Kalau you guys baca tweet dia pun you'd expect that kot. Such a girl with huge confidence. 

Dia pun talked mostly about social network thingy cos if you guys wanna know, actually event Viral and SeriousTalk ni memang tema dia banyak kepada social network punya hal. Thats why ada 2 orang social influencer came hiks. 

She's hella funny. When the panel asked her, who's your idol. Then she said ramai actually. Other than friends and family, my strength is... *pause* "I takdelah alim sangat tapi my idol is God la. Allah yang kept me going until here" then she looked at the panel and said "Hah takpa. Nanti kita sama sama insaf"

Ok lah. Jujur aku kata. Bila baca apa aku tulis takdelah lawak mana....... Tapi lawak weh please la percaya aku T_T memang satu dewan ketawa kuat.

She's actually a medic student but she was so stressed, she has made a decision to not to join to in medical field. Hence, dia join more to creative-field. She inspired most of us. Her fav quote was "If i die tomorrow, would I still do the same thing as what I'm doing right now?" by Steve Jobs if Im not mistaken. 

Wow tingginya konfiden aku asyik dok post gmbaq aku. Before this kemain lel. 
but seriously, look at how cute she is, and I(huhuhuhu)

Now... Last highlight of the event.

Guess who came?


It was Jasmine Ho Abdullah and Mifzal Mohammed, everyone. 

Please, sorokkan muka if you dont know who they are. They are Malaysian debater and even caught everyone's eyes on this planet (if they layan debate) (if no, sap kok tang)

I have only this sentence in my brain while listening to the talk, "Hold your tears, Shiqin. Hold em". Ala you know kan the feeling when meeting someone great with your own eyes. And diorang famous bukan sebab ada sephora hall or london hall or bijes hall. *oops*. Tapi, because of their sharp mind and tongue. I think i wrote some notes pasal diorang in my notebook for 4 pages kot. Every words they said, i wanted to write. 

Remind you, i know Mifzal is hot. But im not here to write some fanfiction post. 

I think some of lessons they always reminded that day was how we cant only focus on powerful achievements we achieved, but we gotta look at the struggles and pain, before theyve made it to the top. I really love my senior who was the panel for the talk. The girl one, meh. Cara dia cakap, bertanyakan soalan, memang nampak dia boleh jadi wartawan Melodi. EH? No lah just kidding. She should be one of the girl in Clever Girl. 

Just like how we are la. Dulu masa sekolah kinda scared bila present dalam class. Kalau boleh, semua nak berebut jadi orang yang pegang kertas mahjong. Lelsss. Tapi with guidance, patience, and blabla, inshaAllah, you'll make it thru.

Ooh, one thing I should say here, when they were at the competition, lots of debaters came from Cambridge, Yale, and you name la some gempak universities from all over the world la kan, pun (wajiblah) ada. They said there were less Asian country debaters  than these white people. But one thing, those white people showed that they were confident enough to win and thought that they would win easily. But during the competition, as predicted in all of fairy-tales, these fellas yang underdogs la menang. So you see here? Self-fulfilling  prophecy is a very dangerous disease. It's actually a condition which kau syok sendiri. Kau fikir kau boleh score, tapi end up apat C. Hah gitu la. They also stated that problem with us is kita takut with them. Ofcourse we'd feel nervous when theyre from such high level of institute and kita ni uitm jerwp. Huhu. *kuis jari*


So cute


Congratulations for those who involved, and i'd like to say say that until today (yelah baru berapa hari kan kahkah) , i cant forget of how successful the events were and how amazed I was during the events went on.

 Just one thing, let the people talk. But we know who we are. Now, THIS IS LENDU!

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