

Hi Assalammualaikum everyone! Long time no write since ive nothing to say. You know what they say, it's better to remain silent rather than speak worthless things. Ecewah, satgi ni aku merepek la. haha

Have you ever played "Dm me your number and i'll tweet about you" game? Well it's a fun game. I mean, if you have a good relationship with the other party. Kalau tak, it will be a game of which dua dua indirectly condemn each other. In nicer words, kalau tak, kalian berdua akan speak the honesty with modesty. Huhu

So I played la the game. But since it was a long time ago and i can barely remember when, i cant trace the tweet. But I remembered my dear friend, named (Febeles) Alia said I'm a brave person. (lel me for using I'm instead of 'I was' cos I think I still am huhu)

Well at first I was puzzled why she said that way. In a teruja way lah. But thinking of some drastic decisions I've made, I am convinced to admit that I am a brave person. Or... should I say risky?

Some of the evidence is (SANGAT FORMAT ESSAY) I was an actor in tadika. Ala dialog pendek je. But still. Boleh kata aku ni Drama Queen since kindergarten la kan. Masa tu tak fikir nervous ke takut pun. Teacher picked me. Maybe because I talked a lot. Eh tapi aku pendiam actually masa kecik. Gua swear dong. Then asked me to read the script. And i got the role. From what I remember, aku kena jadi pari-pari yang leraikan dua orang lelaki bergaduh.

Next. I was a risky person for dare to answer only 4 questions in each subject when I was Standard One till Standard 4. HAHAHAHAHA. Sebab tulah masa sekolah rendah I was placed in the last class. But masa darjah 4 buat betul betul. EH. Lupa. Aku ingat lagi aku lagi sikit nak kena lempang dengan Ustaz Azman sebab jawab 4 soalan je. Dia tengking aku gila bapak la. Hati memang sayu, tapi imej macho kena maintain beb. Pastu insaf tak buat.Then from kelas teerrrrrrhujung, dapat kelas nombor 4 masa Standard 5. Then Standard 6, dapat kelas 2nd. It was a bitter experience tho. Sebab aku dah distereotype as bodoh. Then masuk kelas "pandai". So macam ada culture shock sikit. Hahah. Tapi kelas hujung and kelas awal, dua dua ada pros and cons. So aku pergi kelas mana mana pun takda beza.

Then masa highschool aku rasa aku nak highlight satu je. Aku tak pergi Convocation Day in senior year. Kah. Instead of going Convocation Day, I went to a seminar SPM. Apa hah. Lupa pulak. Youth World rasanya. Tapi ramai la cikgu bumped into me, then asked me why I tak pergi. Paling tak boleh lupa masa Puan Hajar tanya. Sebab aku tumpang kereta dia nak balik rumah. So I said "Buat apa nak pergi konvo teacher, result trial SPM saya pun macam tak layak dicelebrate kan je". Thought she would scold me. Tapi she actually agreed to my opinion. Hahah. I got... 3As for trial. Aku malas nak buat korang tertanya. When I went to the seminar, I met Najwa, Nadia and Fatin. Idk but I wanted to talk to them. And memandangkan aku memang muka tak malu, i just tegur them. Then I told them that my school's convo day was held on that day, so they asked me why I didnt go, I bluntly said

"I dont care"

Thats me. I dont care about people. Most of the time la. Time aku PMS, aku kesah dan emosi. But thats another story. I do what I want. And I regret nothing. I keep say to myself, "Better seize the chance. Takkan kau nak let go something then bila dah tua baru nak menyesal kan"

Haih... Kalau la aku cakap benda sama when it comes to study. Hahahaha. 

Bila dah masuk university, probably taking Mass Communication is a thing. Sebab I was a a pure science student. Alah tapi masuk kelas tu pun sebab cikgu masukkan and kawan pun semua boek semacam je. I actually wanted to be a teacher. If you are my blog follower since the start, you would notice that Ive posted a post, saying that I wanted to be an English teacher. I still have the passion in teaching. But I still have no idea what to teach.  Lepastu Ibu pulak nak aku ambik Engineering. Tapi I'm not good in Physics :( aku memang dungu habis weh Physcis. Sumpah aku benci nak matey Physics.  Ada la gaduh ngan mak sikit. Huu. Sedih. 

And before clicking Masscomm as an option in upu, ive Googled subjects I'll learn. It was all interesting. I did some research. Ada la satu malam tu, aku ketuk pintu bilik Ibu, then aku kata aku taknak pergi interview MassComm. Then Ibu said "Jangan mengada. Pergi je". Ofcourse, due to nervousness. Tapi Alhamdulillah. Passed the interview. And now I'm a masscomm student. Huhu

Ive 1000001 alasan to say i'm a risky person. Contohnya volunteer jadi Public Speaker masa sekolah menengah, cancel masuk sekolah Aminuddin Baki, potong rambut gaya pelik sampai cikgu tusyen tegur, potong rambut sendiri, potong tshirt then acah pereka fashion, curi curi baca diari orang, tipu ayah kata sakit gigi sebab nak ponteng then ayah bawak gi dentist BETUL BETUL GIGI AKU KENA CABUT HAHAHAHAHA, main gusti dengan classmate lelaki, cubit few girls sampai berdarah, main cakap benda aku tak patut dan lain lain, cakap benda jujur dekat parents bout things they shouldnt do lel, kenakan kawan, kena buli kat sekolah rendah tak cerita parents tapi sekali ngamuk habis la ko, dan lain lain.

 Tapi memang aku jenis suka buat keputusan berisiko. So kalau kau skema, im not rejecting you... But maybe you should reconsider. Hehu. #Acah

Oh and pesanan, if you wanna do something, just do. Ignorance is a bliss. Tapi janganlah aku kata ni kau terus pi isap bong sambil pakai helmet. 

Takat ni jelah. Korang pun mesti ngantuk kan. Huhu. Night Assalammualaikummmm!

Gerak luuuuuuuuu paper roger

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